Nova proposta PFC

Esboç a llapis d’estudi de la nova volumetria del meu projecte fi de carrera.. encara en procés.

Portamines 0,5mm-HB / Colorejat en PS per distingir materials.


Què us sembla? El volum que està en macla amb l’edifici existent sobre el sòcol és la sala polivalent. Aquest volum és el “kit” de la qüestió.. arquitectes espero els vostres comentaris! (com sempre!)


Etiquetes: , , , ,

About cabistron

Arquitecte en procés, friki en general, i persona humana, fins i tot quan em passo amb el patxaran. ____ Arquitecto en proceso, friki en general, y persona humana, incluso cuando me paso con el patxarán. ____ Architect in progress, almost a complete geek, and a human being, even when I drink too much Patxaran.

6 responses to “Nova proposta PFC”

  1. Murdog says :

    Mola! pero el espai buit entre la sala polivalent i “lo que es mes ortogonal” penso que es una mica raro…. pero el “Kit” de la questio esta mol b

    • cabistron says :

      merci pel comentari company! no sé ben bé com ho resoldré, no ho tinc gaire clar, cal dir k akesta volumetria no mola com s’acopla a l’edifici existent.. aviam què n’acabo treient!

    • cabistron says :

      gràcies higini! benvingut al meu blog.. algun cop m’he passat pel teu… i quina feinada nano! et felicito! gràcies pel comentari.. espero resoldre coses del volum que encara no estan clares, bàsicament la unió de l’edifici nou amb el vell.. segur que algun dia torno a penjar noves propostes! apa salut!

  2. katharinetrauger says :

    Hello, Cabistron, from the USA!

    I found your site from your post at WordPress, today. In it you appologized for any mistakes in English. I just wanted to contact you and tell you your English is very good. I understood you, although there are tiny flaws there.

    Also, I am commenting on this drawing. I do not know the language you use, here. It is not Spanish, which I know, but I can understand you, some. I think you have asked what the drawing resembles? I hope I am right because I was fascinated with it, and immediately thought it resembles a flash-stick or USB, the kind we close before pocketing.

    I like your art. My daughter is a professional artist, so I see lots of art. Yours is impressive.


  3. cabistron says :

    wow!! big thanks for your comment katharine!!
    This drawing is a sketch for my architecture studies final project. It is a cultural center in my city, and I posted the sketch because in here there are some changes that I wanted my friends and univesity mates to comment..
    It’s quite weird for me to read that it seems to you a flash usb device!! (but yes, anyway, the building pretends to fold in itself to show the main entrance)

    About my language, I speak spanish too, but I speak and write normally in catalan, the language of Catalonia, that is actually a “region” of Spain, it is between Spain and France,just for you to find it easily in a map! (I live next to Barcelona, the capital of “Catalunya”).
    You should know that in Spain there are five main languages, spanish, catalan, valencian, euskara and galego, and some other more, that are really a big minority language, like bable or aranes.

    Well thanks a lot you for your comment! this encourages me to upload more drawings and pictures! 😛 happy new year!!

Digue'm què n'opines!